Clothing center establishes summer hours and rules


With summer around the corner the Jackson County Clothing Center has established some rules as they anticipate an influx of visitors during this time of year.

“We just want to make everyone’s shopping experience easy and efficient,” said volunteer and board member Cheryl Vierling.

Summer Rules: English

No children under the age of eight will be allowed in the building, except babies in carrier. Please watch any children who come in carefully.

They will be limiting the number of people in the building at one time. Some may have to wait on the porch.

Please take the hangars off the clothing you select and put them on the end of the rack.

If you unfold clothing in bins, please refold all and return them to the proper bin.

If the volunteers find anyone making a mess such as finding clothes on the floor or over the racks, they will be asked to leave and possibly not return.

Aviso: Reglas Del Verano (Español)

Ningunos ninos que tienen menos de ocho anos se permitran en el edificio menos bebes en portabebes.

Si no hable ingles, favor de traer con ud. Una persona que hable ingles o tenga un traductor en el telefono.

Vamos a limitar el numero de personas en eledificio al mismo tiempo. Es posible que tenga que esperar en el porche.

Favor sacar la perch de la ropa que quiera y ponerlo al fin del perchero.

Si ud. Desdoble ropa en los contenedores, favor de doblarlos todos y ponerlos en los contenedores.

Si vemos que alguien hace un lio (ropa en el suelo o sobre los percheros) vamos a pedirle que salgas immediatemente y posiblemente que no vuelva nunca.

The summer rules will be posted outside of the clothing center and at the Su Casa offices in Columbus and Seymour.

Donations can be dropped off at the center, 622 W. Second St., Seymour Monday through Thursday at the center. Hours are 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays and 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Any church, organization or individual interested in becoming a sponsor should contact Vierling at 812-522-7331. Volunteers also are welcome and may call that number with questions.

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