Jackson County Industrial Corp. receives $5,000 from Duke Energy


Duke Energy has selected seven economic development organizations in southern Indiana for inclusion in its 2024 Partnership Program, which funds marketing and strategic efforts to attract new jobs and investment in communities the company serves.

The Jackson County Industrial Development Corp. was one of those seven and will receive $5,000. Those funds will support the organization in updating marketing materials to promote the region during visits to Japan and Germany to meet with site consultants and business prospects.

“Economic development plays a vital role in the long-term growth and prosperity of the state,” said Erin Schneider, managing director of business development at Duke Energy.

The funds can be used to support a wide array of marketing initiatives, including trade show attendance, website redesign, promotional materials, and presentations or tours to introduce prospective companies and site selectors to a community.

To qualify for consideration, each applicant submitted a plan that would have a direct impact on their community’s economic growth. Grant amounts varied depending on the size and scope of the project.

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