Delta Kappa Gamma Society meets at Seymour


Delta Kappa Gamma Society, a national honor fraternity in education, met May 21 at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Seymour.

President Jeanie Schneider welcomed the members, and Connie Gerth gave the invocation. Tables were covered in pink with white flowers in glass vases. The church ladies served the meal.

Following the meal, the minutes of the April meeting, were read and approved.

Schneider announced the slate of officers for 2024-2026: President Janice Brock, First Vice President Mindy Clay, Second Vice President Mary Garrison, Secretary Connie Gerth, and Treasurer Karen Ault. The membership approved the slate of officers.

Members shared “good news” and Glad you Came gifts donated by Ellen Gentry were given to Nancy Fleming, Ellen Mirer and Emily Adams.

The next meeting will be Sept. 17.

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