Crothersville seniors look toward the future


At 8 p.m. Friday night, the Crothersville High School Class of 2024 will walk proudly into the gymnasium and leave with not just a piece of paper in their hand, but with a future in front of them.

Valedictorian Elayna Ord and Class President Elijah Plasse said they are excited for what’s to come after they walk across the stage.

Ord plans on attending Indiana University Columbus in the Fall to study nursing and business.

“My cousin is a nurse and I see how she inspires and helps other people,” she said. “I want to do that too.”

During her time at Crothersville, Ord was also involved in Volleyball, National Honor Society, Cheer and FFA.

Ord isn’t the only one following in a relatives footsteps.

Plasse will be attending lineman school in Tennessee in the Fall.

“My grandpa was a lineman and I like being outside and working with my hands,” he said. “They make pretty good money and it seems interesting to me.”

During his time at Crothersville, Plasse was also involved in Basketball, National Honor Society and FFA while working at a construction company.

In the future he hopes to return home to find a career with Jackson County REMC.

Ord and Plasse said their senior year wouldn’t have been complete without the tradition of a senior trip and, of course, the senior prank.

This year, the seniors decided to park a car in the school lobby by taking the middle post out of the entrance door and the mirrors off the car. Plasse said the lucky student whose car was used for the prank was his own sister.

“Everybody got a kick out of it,” he said.

Ord said their senior trip to Boston, Massachusetts was a fun experience as the class became closer leading up to their final days of high school.

“The dinner cruise was my favorite,” she said.

Ord said she will miss the people she has known for years the most.

“I’ll miss seeing everybody everyday because I have grown up with these people,” she said. “That’s the only thing I’ve ever known so it’s going to be different.”

Plasse said he will miss Crothersville teacher Linda Myers as she has made an impact not just on him, but on everyone she has in her class.

“She is so involved with FFA and very helpful,” he said. “She helped me get a summer job at REMC and is always there for everybody.”

Ord and Plasse both said they are grateful for Crothersville and the Ivy Tech program at the school as it has already made a positive impact on their future paths.

Lastly, they both wanted to share some last minute advice with underclassmen before finishing high school for good.

“Show up and study,” Plasse said. “Take it one week at a time and if there is something you think you can’t overcome you can and then move on to the next thing.”

“The days are long, but the years are short,” Ord said. “Enjoy it.”

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