Otter trapping season reaches quota, closes early


The Indiana Department of Natural Resources closed the river otter trapping season Wednesday after the statewide quota of 750 river otters was reported harvested by licensed trappers.

The season was scheduled to run from Nov. 15 through March 15, or until the quota was reached.

The framework of the river otter season was carefully designed to limit the total harvest and support Indiana’s river otter population, according to a news release from the state. Databases and reporting allow regular monitoring of the total season harvest. By rule, when total harvest levels approach the statewide quota, the season closes automatically.

“Mild winter weather gave licensed trappers great opportunity this year,” said Geriann Albers, DNR furbearer and turkey program leader. “Indiana is fortunate that our systems and regulations allow us to strike a good balance between providing trapping opportunity and ensuring our river otters continue to thrive in Indiana.”

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