Crothersville school board approves personnel, policies

The Crothersville Community School Corp. board of school trustees met Feb. 12 at the central administration building.

In personnel matters, the board approved accepting the resignation of Sara Salas as an elementary special education teacher effective Jan. 31 and hired Alivia Brawner to fill that role effective Jan. 29 for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year.

Also, the board accepted the resignation of Carly Blevins as the middle school red team volleyball coach effective immediately and hirings of Bryant Hughes as varsity softball coach, Whitney Douglas as varsity softball assistant coach, Audrey Jolissaint as middle school softball coach and Timothy Mills as the middle school baseball coach.

The second readings of the corporal punishment policy and the red shirt policy both were tabled until further discussion, but the board approved the second readings of the suicide policy, moment of silence policy and food service personnel code of conduct policy, all required by the Indiana Department of Education.

The board also approved a resolution to allow Superintendent Chrystal Street to submit an application for the flexibility and compliance waiver in instructional day length requirement.

During superintendent updates, Street reminded the public that Feb. 19 was an eLearning makeup day for students, announced the school corporation has a new website and a new app, told the board and public about her recent trip to Grand Canyon University and all it offers, reminded everyone about the Night of Colors event that was conducted earlier this month to raise money for cancer research and announced a free tax filing night was scheduled at the school.