All Seasons Garden Club meets for game night

By Becky Hackman

For The Tribune

Nita Bridges hosted game night for the All Seasons Garden Club on Feb. 5.

Fourteen members and a special guest, Margaret Gladney, were present.

The first game, What’s in Your Purse, was played with Charlotte Foster, Darlene Groseclose, Ann McAfee and Brenda Turner winning. They were awarded valentine jars with candy.

Then a valentine word scramble game was played with Becky Hackman and Peggy Broshears winning gift bags of valentine soap.

Bridges had a quiz about two special members. Brenda Turner was presented with a puzzle, and Julie Ballard received a gift bag of soap, lotion and scrubby gloves.

The members then enjoyed a delicious chocolate cake and valentine candies and coffee.

Next, a fun game of left, right, center was played with quarters. Several members left a little richer than when they arrived.

Discussion was held about the March meeting. Members of the first half of the alphabet signed up for what they were to bring, either a salad or dessert. The meeting will start at 5:30 March 4 at McAfee’s home, and Martha Wilson will co-host.

Hackman reminded the group of the April 1 meeting at her home with Kathy Cunningham as co-hostess, and the theme will be based upon the upcoming eclipse. She informed the group they would receive special glasses to view the eclipse on April 8.

Kathy Rush, hostess for May, mentioned the possibility of a road trip to Salem to the John Hay Museum and eating lunch after. More information will be provided to the group soon.

A get-well card was passed around and signed by members for Jean Barkman, who is recovering from pneumonia. Joan Thompson told the group she will have total knee replacement on March 12.

The group then visited for the remainder of the evening.