Loyal Devoir Society meets at Central Christian Church

The Loyal Devoir Society met Jan. 23 at Central Christian Church in Seymour.

President Paula Stafford opened the meeting by thanking Group 1 for being hostess.

Devotions were given by Barb Bentley from the book of Psalms.

The secretary’s reports for October and December were read and approved.

Betty Guinn gave the treasurer’s report and read several thank-you notes from donations at Christmas.

Under old business, Janice Brock made a motion to give cookies and chips to the emergency medical services workers at the end of February and the police department at the end of June. It passed.

Each member is to bring two dozen cookies to our anniversary dinner at 6 p.m. Feb. 27.

JoEllen Robinson sent cards to Marvin and Linda Rumph and Dan and Helen Horton.

Under new business, Bentley reported the big can opener needed to be replaced in the kitchen. Also, two fry pans, teaspoons and an ice scoop will be added. The motion was made, seconded and passed to purchase all of these items.

A motion was made by Brock to move the monthly meetings to 6 p.m. The motion passed.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.