Crothersville school board meets

The Crothersville Community School Corp. board of school trustees reorganized for 2024 during Monday night’s meeting.

Continuing in their roles are Chad Ord as president, Tiffany Reynolds as vice president and Jimmy Shirley as secretary. T.J. Mills will serve as legislative liaison, John Riley will be on the athletic council and Ord will serve as FFA liaison. Ord also was appointed president of the board of finance, and Shirley was chosen as secretary.

In other business, the board unanimously approved the ratification of the purchase agreement between the school corporation and Crothersville Christian Church due to an amendment. The name was changed to Crothersville Community Schools.

First read items approved included amending the corporation’s corporal punishment policy and, as required by the Indiana Department of Education, the red shirt policy, suicide policy, moment of silence policy and food service personnel code of conduct policy.

In personnel matters, the board approved employing Janice Vernon effective immediately as a part-time kitchen employee, naming Mark Monroe as History Club sponsor for 2023-24 and accepting the resignation of Scott Sage as varsity volleyball coach effective immediately.

During superintendent updates, Chrystal Street announced that January is National School Board Appreciation Month and thanked the board members for their service.