On This Day


100 years ago

Coldest day holds county in grip as mercury hits 8 below

The mercury hit the low point in Jackson County this morning at 8 o’clock when the thermometer at the government weather station of the Seymour Water Company at Rockford registered 8 degrees below 0. At the same time, some thermometers in the city, which are regarded as reliable, showed 10 degrees below, and it was claimed by weather observers at that time that it was getting colder.

75 years ago

Family course to start soon

With “The New Look in Sex Education” as his subject, Adolph Zollman, superintendent of the Seymour public schools, will teach the first session of a course on family life Monday night, Jan. 10 at First Methodist Church.

The outcome of spontaneous desire on the part of various groups throughout the city for information on various phases of social living, including sex education, family relationships, emotional stability and other social problems, the course is to be offered in several sessions with a different angle discussed on each Monday night for several weeks.

50 years ago

Accident rate drops

Reports of traffic accidents in the Seymour area decreased sharply Friday as area highways returned to normal following Thursday’s ice storm.

Although some secondary roads in the county remained slick and hazardous, state police reported only one traffic accident here Friday. One accident also was reported by Seymour city police.

25 years ago

Mother Nature takes aim

In the first big winter storm of the season, Mother Nature dropped snow, ice and hazardous driving conditions on Jackson County New Year’s Day. The possibility of being stranded at home for a few days forced many Jackson County residents into area stores on Friday to prepare for winter’s first blast.

Steve Reynolds, store manager of Wal-Mart Supercenter, said he and his employees usually pay attention to the forecast.

“If the forecast is for flurries, we see a little rush, but if word ice is said, it’s nuts,” Reynolds said.

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