Crothersville Town Council to meet Tuesday night


The Crothersville Town Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the town hall, 111 E. Howard St., Crothersville.

The meeting will begin with the swearing-in of the town council members for 2024 to 2028 and election of council president and vice president for 2024.

The agenda includes spending requests, setting meeting dates for 2024, appointments to boards and commissions, annual dues, a community service award presentation, updates from FPBH Inc. and second reading of an ordinance regarding use of recreational vehicles in town.

Also, approval of the employee handbook, uniform allowances, a resolution regarding the sale of real estate (former police department building at 404 Moore St.), first reading of an ordinance regarding responsibilities of property owners, contractors and others to maintain the condition of roads and streets within town limits and a request for the school’s after prom.

Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting.

The meeting is open to the public and press or watch live online at

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