Rezone proposed for area of former bowling alley

A rezone request for properties along Airport Road on Seymour’s far west side is being considered by city officials.

J.D. Roberts with Banzai Properties LLC spoke to the Seymour Plan Commission during its meeting Dec. 14 in the council chambers at city hall.

He and his father, Jerry Roberts, want to rezone the property in the 1300 block of Colonial Drive and at 639 and 641 Barnard Lane and 643 S. Airport Road to I-2 (heavy industrial).

The latter currently is zoned C-2 (general commercial) and once housed a bowling alley, while the other properties are R-1 (single-family residential).

J.D. told the commission he and his father have purchased all of the properties and are hoping to attract small businesses or manufacturing companies by rezoning the properties all the same.

No one attended the meeting to speak for the proposal, but Jackson County Industrial Development Corp. Executive Director Jim Plump had submitted a letter of support.

He said since the Robertses’ purchased the property, they have made many positive changes, and he believes an industrial classification is the best use of the property going forward given its proximity to Freeman Municipal Airport and the Freeman Field Industrial Park.

Aaron Delph, who owns properties on Colonial Drive, attended the meeting and said he feels there will not be enough buffer between his residential-zoned property, and if it’s changed to I-2, he’s afraid they will use his properties as access to and from.

City Engineer Bernie Hauersperger said he feels some of the property might need to be redeveloped to have enough room for a buffer between I-2 and residential.

When asked about access to the properties if they are rezoned and if that would impact Delph’s property, J.D. said he didn’t know yet since this is the first step, but he assumed there would be another access road developed to get to the properties.

J.D. also was asked why they chose I-2 zoning as opposed to I-1 (light industrial), and he said that’s what he was told would be a good fit. Commission member Bret Cunningham said he feels I-1 would be better.

Commission Secretary Jeremy Gray, who also is the city’s building commissioner, said if the board wants to vote on rezoning to I-1 instead of I-2, it would have to be readvertised.

J.D. said he was fine with a continuance, but he needed to talk to his father and make sure he is OK with the different zoning classification.

The commission voted 8-0 in favor of the continuance. Gary Colglazier, Darren Richey and Susie Bowman were absent.

Once the Robertses make their decision on the rezoning, it will be put back on the plan commission agenda.