Novel Idea: Christina Hime


Name: Christina Hime

Job title: Circulation manager for the Jackson County Public Library

What’s the name of the book and author you are recommending?

“Bright Lights, Big Christmas” by Mary Kay Andrews

What made you want to pick up this book in the first place?

I read a Christmas-themed book in December each year, and I was looking for a new author to try. Mary Kay Andrews is a popular author and has written many books, so I see a lot of her items coming through the library. The front cover of this book was recommended by Debbie Macomber, whose Christmas books I adore.

Once you got into the book, what made you want to keep reading it?

I really liked the characters and wanted to know how everything ends up for them. There’s more than one character who you grow to love and root for.

Once you finished the book, what did you like about it?

I really liked the sense of community that the characters built with each other. They came from different stages in life, different backgrounds, but yet built great friendships and relationships.

What is the book about?

Kerry Toliver’s family owns a Christmas tree farm. Her dad and brother usually travel to New York from North Carolina to sell their trees at Christmastime; however, this year, her dad is not in good health, and Kerry makes the journey for him. This book is about Kerry finding herself in the time of transition — this new job, working alongside her brother and building relationships with the village she’s working within and maybe a new love interest along the way.

Why would you recommend this book to others?

This book was a very short, quick and cute read and ended up tying everything together. Mary Kay Andrews reflects back on another book of hers, “The Santa Suit,” which is set in the same area of North Carolina the Tollivers are from. I’m looking forward to reading that next.

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