November Braves of the Month recognized


BROWNSTOWN — The Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of school trustees recognized the Braves of the Month for November during a meeting Tuesday at the high school.

Those honored were first-grader Elliott Moore, sixth-grader Rylee Emmert and senior Kelis East.

In introducing Moore as Little Brave of the Month, Brownstown Elementary School Principal Marty Young said he is a special little guy who was nominated by his teacher, Julie Isaacs.

In the nomination letter written by Isaacs, she said Moore is the bravest, most courageous young boy she had ever met.

She said Moore had been attacked and drugged across the yard by a dog that had him by the ear over the Labor Day weekend. The incident caused Moore to lose most of his ear and miss a week of school, but he was ready to come back, Isaacs wrote.

On his first day back, Moore told her he was going to have to change his pirate name to “One Ear Bobby.”

“I was so amazed he could make a joke about it,” Isaacs wrote.

She said Moore has been positive about the incident and was willing to show her and his classmates the wound and answer questions about it.

He had to wear a headband but took it off when he was allowed to and never put it back on, Isaacs said.

“He has been resilient, and I am so proud of how he handled himself,” she wrote. “I wanted to acknowledge this is some way, so I turned his name in for Brave of the Month.”

Isaacs said Moore has talked about doing things the Brave Way.

“He talks about responsibility, kindness, a sense of humor, good character, resourcefulness and working hard,” she said. “Elliott is all of these and more rolled into one, and he’s only 7 years old. So through all this, he has been able to be a model student. He works hard and does the very best each day. He is kind and works well with others. He is my hero. I am thankful I got to have him in my class this year.”

Doug McClure, principal at Brownstown Central Middle School, introduced Emmert and read her nomination letter penned by the sixth grade teachers.

“In the classroom, she is focused, ready at all times and always uses her time wisely,” they wrote. “When Rylee does not understand a concept, she will seek help either from a classmate or teacher.

“If she makes a mistake, she perseveres without getting frustrated or annoyed that she has to try again. She pays attention in class, actively participates in class discussions and is a great role model for her peers. Rylee can be counted on to be honest, responsible and is a pleasure to have in class. We are proud to have hardworking, polite students like Rylee in the sixth grade.”

East was introduced by Brownstown Central High School Principal Joe Sheffer, who read her nomination letter written by teachers in the math department.

“Here’s what they had to say about her,” Sheffer said. “Kelis has focus and drive seldom seen among high school students. She comes in before school to check answers, is extremely attentive in class, asks questions for clarification and participates and leads group discussions.

“Kelis maintains her focus and sets extremely high goals for herself academically. She has the perseverance and can-do attitude to get the job done, but most importantly, you will not meet a more kind and caring person than Kelis East.”

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