Brownstown churches to host choir performances


“Waiting for Christmas” will be presented by the combined choirs of Brownstown First Baptist Church and Vallonia Christian Church along with singers representing four other churches.

The first performance will be at 7 p.m. Sunday at Brownstown First Baptist Church, and the second performance will be at 7 p.m. Dec. 17 at Vallonia Christian Church.

The story follows an old letter written to Nana many years ago from her granddaughter, Sarah, and found in the old family Bible brings back fond memories of Christmases past and expectations of precious new memories to be made. Nana is played by Ruzannah Martin, and Lucy Booher plays the part of Sarah. The narrator is Darrin Wan.

Other choir members include Tammy Patton, Anita Sturgeon, Mischell Ferguson, Doreen Bentz, Kay Pratt, Rhonda Weddell, Debbie Sweeney, Lewann Burrell, Cathi Wheeler, Amy Hartley, Mary Lou Grider, Mary Beth Covert, Susie Rommell, Dinah Nikita, Sherri Sears, Jennifer Harber, Julia Eilbracht, John Spurgeon, Jim Weddell, Hans Eilbracht, Larry Covert, Merlin Pratt, Doug Pogue, Dick Burrell and Dave Wesner. The director is Sandy Sunderman.

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