Local cattle farmers receive grant


U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Indiana State Director Terry Goodin recently announced USDA is awarding Family Traditions Beef a $65,103 Value-Added Producer Grant to help strengthen Indiana’s food and agriculture supply chain.

“Today’s investment in this Hoosier agriculture producer will create better economic opportunities that spur competition and bolster food supply chains across Indiana,” Goodin said. “This will result in more affordable prices and choices for consumers as well as more opportunities and revenue for the rural Hoosier business.”

The Value-Added Producer Grant will be used to pay for the salaries of new employees, processing costs and marketing expenses related to selling packaged meat products. The grant enables them to reach a diverse customer base and increase their sales of meat products.

Family Traditions Beef is a fifth generation family owned and operated farm in Vallonia. The family has agrarian roots that date back to the 1860s.

The land where the operation still exists today was bought by Don Shoemaker’s grandfather, Louis, in 1952. Louis and his six children restored the property, and the farm has been growing ever since.

The Shoemakers started selling beef in 2018 and added pork in early 2023 due to demand from customers. They source their pork from a friend in Indiana who raises Berkshire hogs from birth to butcher.

“We were very excited to receive the grant as it will help us continue to grow Family Traditions Beef and ensure that local beef and pork is readily accessible to the community,” Jennifer Shoemaker said.

While Family Traditions Beef ships nationwide, Jennifer said they also offer free delivery in Jackson County, giving the local community access to their high-quality local beef.

“Our beef isn’t just sold locally. It is born and raised in Jackson County, only leaving our farm to be processed,” she said.

Jennifer said this grant will allow them to grow and improve on the success of their family farm.

“It will allow us to utilize new practices, which in turn helps to ensure the success of family farms, like our own fifth generation farm,” she said.

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