Premier Farm and Pet among Christmas shopping stops


By Jordan Richart

For The Tribune

The place that may not come to mind first when you’re going through your Christmas shopping list may have just what you’re looking for to give as a gift this holiday season.

It’s even possible Premier Farm and Pet has the perfect gift for multiple people on your shopping list.

The store, located at 1021 W. Tipton St., Seymour, carries everything from pet supplies and livestock feed to automotive and gardening supplies and everything in between. The store also is stocked with items that appeal to outdoor enthusiasts, such as fishing poles, bait and tackle and more.

“We carry a little bit of everything,” store manager Trevor Blish said.

While there is a wide range of products that appeal to many, there’s also a section that could cover a certain group of enthusiasts — birdwatchers.

The store is stocked with all types of birdhouses, feeders, bird baths and a variety of bird feeds that will attract a wide range of species for those who enjoy birds.

Blish said many people come in around the holidays to purchase items from the section for Christmas gifts. The store tries to carry a diverse inventory that helps give customers options for a unique gift.

“We have a pretty large selection,” he said.

That selection includes items that complement birdwatching in the yard, such as pond maintenance and lawn and garden items.

Blish said a lot of customers also will come in around the holidays to do some shopping for pets and animals. The store carries all kinds of specialty treats and toys for animals.

“There are several options to choose from for your pets,” he said.

And if you can’t find what you’re looking for or what you have in mind, there’s a pretty good chance Blish and his team can order what you need.

“I can’t guarantee 100% success, but nine out of 10 times, I can pull some strings and get specific things for people, maybe a slightly different brand, but I make tons of special orders,” he said.

Blish said he and his team try to offer great products to customers but also great customer service. He serves as the store manager and has worked at the store for nine years. He started full time six years ago.

Blish said the staff is focused on providing solutions and helping customers.

“They are dependable, willing to do whatever is asked and are great with people,” he said of his staff.

Blish said it is always fun and a learning experience working with customers, too, in most cases.

“I enjoy exchanging information. There is so much information one can learn just by talking to others,” he said. “It is nice just to hear other people’s thoughts and opinions on things.”

Sometimes, those conversations even help Blish both professionally and personally.

“I have learned several things from just talking to customers that I can apply to things, even outside of work,” he said.

Those moments can only happen at a place where staff truly cares about the customer, which is what Blish said you’ll find shopping at local businesses like Premier Farm and Pet.

“Local businesses genuinely care about their customers,” he said, adding that local businesses also are better at resolving product issues. “By dealing with local businesses, you can deal with somebody face to face instead of trying to talk to a computer. Local businesses are also great about giving back to the community and helping out various groups and organizations.”

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