Clothing center delivers report to community

The Jackson County Clothing Center’s annual meeting was Oct. 17 in the social room of Calvary Baptist Church in Seymour.

President Bonnie Charlton called the meeting to order. Annual reports from Secretary Cheryl Vierling and Treasurer Nancy Wininger were given.

Total statistics for 2022-23 were shared. Clothing, bedding and hygiene products increased by 46% with a total of 59,124 items distributed to 2,388 families and individuals, which was a 42% increase. Volunteer hours totaled 2,813, an increase of 30%.

New officers, elected to serve two-year terms, were Vierling as secretary and Leisa Sunbury as vice president. Rachel Creech was elected to complete a two-year term.

Charlton was thanked for her service as were all center volunteers and donors.

Community donations of more than $19,000 included a $3,150 directed gift from 50 Chicks for children’s underwear, $750 from Bob Poynter for children’s coats, $150 from Friends of Christ for underwear, $950 from the Greater Seymour Trust for a computer and a printer and $300 from Toyota Material Handling for a bike rack and locks and $14,000 for operating expenses.

These donations assure the continued operating needs of the organization and are greatly appreciated, according to a news release from the clothing center.

“As we look to the future of clothing support for those in need in our community, we hope others will consider directed gifts to help support specific needs, such as shoes, personal hygiene and toiletry needs, underwear, socks, sleeping bags and coats,” Creech said.

Those interested in volunteering, donating or supporting the center in other ways may leave a message at 812-522-7331.

The clothing center is at 622 W. Second St., Seymour. Hours are 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays and 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

For information, visit