Seymour school board meets Tuesday

The Seymour Community School Corp. board of education will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Seymour Central Service Center, 1420 Corporate Way.

The meeting will include the consent agenda, communications and recognition, donations and grants and updates on construction projects.

Director of Counseling Randy Fife will present a $150,000 donation to Seymour High School from the Jackson County Health Department. It is a two-year donation in which $75,000 will be used each year. The donated funds will be spent on a licensed mental health clinician, smoking and vaping cessation and education, mental health curriculum and supplies, professional development for counselors and staff and other items to improve the mental health of students.

Action items include a recommendation to approve the 2024 to 2027 school calendars, a contract renewal with Everside Health Clinic, approval of 2024 school board meeting dates and approval of a memorandum of understanding for mental health services with Centerstone.

First read items include discussion of eRate and common school loan and 2024 bus replacement bids.

The meeting is open to the public and press.

At 6:30 p.m., the board will meet in executive session to discuss items related to personnel. It’s closed to the public and press.