Fire marshal investigating two suspicious fires in North Vernon


NORTH VERNON — The Indiana State Fire Marshal’s office is investigating two fires that were possibly set by someone Saturday.

The first fire was reported at 4:46 a.m. at a home at 10 Noon Drive, according to a news release from Sgt. Isaac Barkes with the North Vernon Police Department.

Barkes, the department’s public information officer, reported firefighters worked to extinguish that fire and determine its cause.

During the investigation, firefighters and police found evidence leading them to believe that fire had been, he said.

No one was living in the home at the time of the fire and it had been vandalized, Barkes reported.

Less than 12 hours later and a block away, firefighters were dispatched to an apartment fire at 555 Brownstown Road, he said. Upon arriving there shortly after 4 p.m, firefighters found a ground floor apartment filled with black smoke which was moving throughout the building and windows.

Barkes said all of the occupants of the building were evacuated without any reports of injuries.

Firefighters worked to extinguish that fire and fumigate the building.

Barkes said after learning the apartment was unoccupied and receiving statements from neighbors, an arson investigation was started.

Similarities were observed in both locations, Barkes said, but information obtained from both the investigations, however, indicate there is a possibility the fires were not connected.

No injuries or other medical issues were reported throughout the investigations into both fires.

At this time, both investigations are ongoing and being investigated by the Indiana State Fire Marshall’s Office and the North Vernon Fire Department and all possibilities are being considered in both cases, Barkes said.

Anyone with any information about the fire may report it to North Vernon Police Department, the Indiana State Fire Marshal’s Office or North Vernon Fire Department

All tips and information can be reported anonymously, Barkes said.

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