Loyal Devoir Society meets at Central Christian


The Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church in Seymour met Oct. 24 with Paula Stafford opening the meeting by thanking Group 1 for being hostess.

Helen Horton gave devotions, followed by prayer.

The secretary’s report was read by Judy McDonald and approved, and Betty Guinn gave the treasurer’s report.

Under old business, Stafford suggested the society could have a sales event at the church on Nov. 12 or 19. Janice Brock will check the church calendar and let the group know.

Under new business, JoEllen Robinson, card person, sent cards to Linda Rumph, Helen Horton and Grace Low.

There will be no meeting in November. The Christmas dinner is at 6 p.m. Dec. 5. Leslie Martin and Betsy McDonald gave information about two restaurants. Loretta Riehl made a motion to have it at Cracker Barrel, and each member and guests will pay for their meals.

A motion was passed to give gift cards to the church staff. Other gifts of money went to the Sertoma Club of Jackson County, Hoosier Christian Village in Brownstown and The Arc of Jackson County.

Janice Brock thanked everyone who helped with the sorority dinner on Oct. 17.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

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