Good gravy: Medora students welcome grandparents for breakfast

MEDORA — Breakfast often is referred to as the most important meal of the day.

On Friday, Medora Junior-Senior High School students had an opportunity to invite some important people to join them for the most important meal of the day.

Gravy with Grandparents was conducted for the second year in a row. Students and their grandparents gathered in the school’s cafeteria for a meal of biscuits and gravy, bacon, eggs, pears, orange juice, milk and coffee.

Before the meal was served, Principal Kara Hunt asked each student to introduce the grandparent or grandparents with them and share what they enjoy doing with them.

Then agriculture teacher and FFA Adviser Hannah Martin and her students served the meal.

Hunt said the elementary students at Medora STEM Academy did Games with Grandparents around Grandparents Day in September, where they ate cookies and played games together in classrooms.

She thought it would be nice to do a grandparents event for the older kids, too.

“It gives the grandparents an opportunity to come in and to eat with their kids,” she said.

A questionnaire was added this year, giving the students an opportunity to ask their grandparents questions and write down the answers.

“I think it’s a really good experience for the kids to hear about,” Hunt said. “Kids are so used to being on phones and social media now, but having that interaction, especially with their grandparents … it gives them a chance to spend quality time with them and talk to them, so I think it’s really important.”

Even the principal invited her grandmother to Friday morning’s event. Hunt said she’s lucky because that’s her last living grandparent.

She said the plan is to continue the grandparents events on an annual basis.