Brownstown council meeting Monday

The Brownstown Town Council plans to meet at 6 p.m. Monday at the town hall, 116 E. Cross St., Brownstown.

Agenda items include discussion for approval of the 2024 town budget and department head reports.

Jade Peters, assistant superintendent for Brownstown Central Community School Corp., also is scheduled to discuss a potential new entrance to Brownstown Elementary School, and Andy Fountain with Jackson County Insurance Agency is scheduled to discuss the town’s property/liability/casualty/workman’s comp insurance coverage for the coming year.

Other agenda items include a lease agreement for the Ewing Depot with town resident Jerry Jackson and a request for the town to act as the fiscal agent for the Brownstown Pickleball Association, which plans to construct four pickleball courts at the town park at 905 W. Bridge St.

Board meetings are open to the public and press.