School salutes community workers

CROTHERSVILLE — Firefighters, police officers, ambulance personnel and medical helicopter personnel are there to help people.

Truck drivers get freight from one place to another.

Bookmobile drivers provide reading material to people of all ages.

Snowplow drivers help keep the roads clear of snow and ice during the winter.

Bus drivers transport kids to and from school and activities in a safe manner.

Utility workers help ensure power stays on.

Food truck workers give people food options.

Since it takes a variety of people to make a community function, Crothersville Elementary School first grade teacher Karra Hercamp likes to put that in the spotlight during the annual Circle of Service.

On Sept. 15, for the fifth year, the event was conducted in the parking lot behind the school to give students an opportunity to speak with various community workers and see their vehicles and tools of the trade up close.

“It’s an opportunity for the students to interact with community workers and to be able to see how they make our community work, that it takes every person working together for our communities to thrive,” Hercamp said. “Not any one job is any more important than the other. Everybody is important, and everybody has a job to do, and we need to do it well.”

Officials with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Indiana State Police, Radio 96.3 WJAA, Mark & Beth’s Smalltown Sweets, Jackson County Public Library, Wright Implement, Crothersville Community Schools, Indiana Department of Transportation, Jackson County REMC, Crothersville-Vernon Township Volunteer Fire Department, Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Department, Walmart and StatFlight attended Circle of Service.

“Here’s an opportunity for the children to be able to meet those men and women that are in the community doing those jobs that they do to make our communities thrive and just get up close to their vehicles and check the vehicles out and hear what they have to say and how they use their service vehicles,” Hercamp said. “When they see them around town, it’s like, ‘Oh, I know who they are, I know what they do, how they work in our community,’ just a better understanding of the roles that everyone plays.”

Hercamp was glad to have three new vehicles at this year’s event: A semitrailer, a food truck and a small tractor.

Whether big or small, Hercamp said the kids like to check out all of the vehicles.

“They have a good time. They enjoy it very much so,” she said. “I enjoy putting the event together. It’s for the students. It’s for the service workers. I just want it to be a positive event where they are interacting with people in the community. Our communities are important. No matter how big or small they are, everybody’s role is vital, and there are a variety of jobs to do. Here’s an opportunity to see some of those jobs and to talk with them. Just a fun day to be out together learning.”

Third-graders Coleman Baker and Charlea Boicourt were able to pick out their favorites after touring Circle of Service.

Baker liked seeing the medical helicopter land and take off.

“I like how they save people,” he said.

Boicourt liked the police vehicles.

“I like that their sirens are so loud and they blink lights when they are driving,” she said.

Both students understand the importance of all of the workers at the event.

“They help us, and they make sure we are safe,” Boicourt said.

“They save lives. They help people with stuff. … They are nice. They are helpful,” Baker said.

As a bonus, the students left the event with stickers, pencils, cookies and more fun stuff handed out by the various workers.

Even the workers received doughnuts and drinks from Hercamp as a token of appreciation for participating.

“I’m happy that she gave the people doughnuts because they deserve it,” Baker said.