Model airplane club presents check to Humane Society

The Southern Indiana Flying Eagles remote control model airplane club ended the week on a high note by presenting a $400 check to the Humane Society of Jackson County.

The proceeds came from the club’s fly-in event that occurred Sept. 9.

Bob Bast, president of the club, said this is the second year the club has hosted a fly-in that has benefited the Humane Society.

“Everyone in the community has been so supportive of our club, so we just want to give back,” he said.

The Southern Indiana Flying Eagles is a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics and has been flying model airplanes in Freeman Field for the past 15 years.

Bast said the club dates back even further, spreading its roots throughout the county just under different names.

With a turnout of around 13 people, Bast said they all had a great time.

“You give whatever you can,” he said.

At the fly-in, attendees were able to give a cash donation or a donation of paper towels, bleach, nonscoopable cat litter, Purina Dog Chow, Nylabones and dog biscuits for the landing fee.

“This means a lot and will help us provide more services to the community and to the animals,” said Becky Bujwid with the Humane Society. “This will help with food and medical expenses. The money can just go in different directions. We are very grateful.”

The 40-member club hopes to continue this fly-in next year and bring in more people interested in model airplanes.

“We just want to continue to help take care of the dogs however we can,” said Tyler Horn, vice president of the club.