Jury trial set for Seymour man accused of child molesting

The jury trial of a Jackson County man accused of molesting a 13-year-old female while they were shopping at a local store has been set.

Christian Joe David Brewster, 19, of Seymour faces a Level 3 felony charge of child molesting and a Level 4 felony charge of fondling or touching a child under 14 in connection with the incident first reported to the Seymour Police Department on Aug. 22.

Brewster was booked into the Jackson County Jail in Brownstown at 5:17 p.m. Aug. 24, and his trial has been set for Feb. 13, 2024, in Jackson Circuit Court in Brownstown.

The investigation started when police responded to the store on the east side of town in reference to assisting patrol units with multiple subjects shoplifting from the store.

Upon arrival, the subjects had already been apprehended by patrol units, who had taken them to the store’s asset protection office, according to the probable cause affidavit signed by Cpl. Adam Surface.

Surface said he then watched a surveillance video and saw Brewster put his right hand down the front of the 13-year-old’s shorts.

He said he then spoke briefly with the minor, who first denied Brewster placed his hand down her shorts but eventually said he had done so to make sure there wasn’t any stolen items concealed on her person.

The minor also told investigators she had lied to Brewster in the past about her age, telling him she was 15, and also said they had only kissed once.

The minor also told investigators a Department of Child Services case had been opened a couple of months earlier regarding their relationship but had since been closed.

That was when Brewster was made aware of her actual age by law enforcement, Surface said.

Surface said investigators then asked the minor if Brewster had touched the top of her private area, and the minor said Brewster had done so, but it was an accident as he was pulling away. She said it was nothing sexual.

Surface said while interviewing the girl, it became evident she had been trying to cover up the relationship as she said she looked up the laws and could not legally get into trouble because the two are not engaged in a sexual relationship.

The minor was then advised that is not true, Surface said.

He said he then reviewed the entire surveillance video of the incident where the interaction occurred in the clothing section.

In a summary, the video shows Brewster pulling the minor’s shorts out to put his hand all the way into them down to the area of her crotch.

Brewster then moved his hand side to side while inside the shorts for approximately 8 seconds, according to the video time, Surface said.

Brewster then removed his hand from the shorts and the two began joking around with Brewster removing a hat from the shelf and putting it on the minor’s head. They continued this for a few moments, and then Brewster used his left hand to grab the minor’s face, Surface said.

Brewster then leans in and kisses the minor on the lips, police said.

Brewster and the minor walk around the clothing section for a few moments, and then Brewster uses his right hand to grab the minor’s chin before they again kiss each other on the lips, Surface said.

Brewster and the minor then walk over to the female underwear aisle, where Brewster takes a pair of female underwear and holds them up to the crotch area of the minor, police said. A short time later, Brewster and the minor walk out of the camera view.

On Aug. 24, patrol units were sent to an apartment where Brewster and the minor were found together, police said.

Brewster and the minor were transported to the police station, and Surface conducted an interview with Brewster, according to the probable cause.

During that interview, Brewster said he was aware of her age and admitted they had been flirting with each other in the past, Surface said.

Brewster also said during the interview that the minor was the one who reached in for the kiss and that he did not stop her from doing so.

Surface said Brewster also said he was trying to grab a bandana because he did not want her to get in trouble for stealing.

Toward the end of the interview, Brewster admitted he knew it was wrong to stick his hand down a minor’s pants along with kissing and dating a 13-year-old, Surface said.

Surface then ended the interview and arrested Brewster so he could be taken to the jail without incident.