Crothersville Elementary selected for Get Your Teach On program


Crothersville Elementary School has been selected as one of 12 Get Your Teach On collaboration sites to receive free professional development training and support throughout the 2023-24 school year.

In collaboration with Get Your Teach On and the Indiana Department of Education, the program is designed to enhance the professional development of Crothersville’s teachers as they gain access to professional development opportunities led by education experts, promote resource sharing, foster a collaborative community and encourage innovation.

Crothersville Principal Kyle Wilp expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration.

“I felt like I had to apply for our students. I knew there would be a lot of applications, so I wasn’t holding my breath,” he said. “Once I found out, I was so excited. I remember telling my wife in excitement, then calling Dr. (Chrystal) Street to share the good news. They were the only two people I had told that I applied.”

Wilp said this collaboration will help the teachers grow, which will then benefit the students. He said the best part of the Get Your Teach On program is its approach to working with the teacher as a person instead of throwing materials at them and hoping they will remember how to implement ideas.

“We have LaNesha Tabb as our site coordinator. We are so excited to have her expertise to support our school,” he said. “She will work with the teachers in their classroom to implement strategies to increase our academic success.”

Get Your Teach On specializes in professional development and encouragement for educators and administrators in the form of conferences, workshops and events.

“Get Your Teach On is all about supporting schools and educators to help them reach their full potential. We’re thrilled to continue and expand our partnership with the Indiana Department of Education for the 2023-24 school year and very much look forward to working one-on-one with school leaders and educators at our collaborations sites this year,” said Hope King, co-founder and CEO of Get Your Teach On.

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