Braves of the Month for August recognized


BROWNSTOWN — The Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of school trustees recognized the Braves of the Month during a meeting Monday evening at the administration office.

They were second-grader Ollie Tidwell, sixth-grader Bradey Humphrey and senior Katelynn Snowden.

Brownstown Elementary School Principal Marty Young discussed Tidwell, who was selected as Little Brave of the Month for music by music teacher Aramatta Schaeffer.

“Ollie has consistently been an amazing listener, a great helper and an overall joy to have in class,” Schaeffer wrote.

She said he excels in all classroom activities and is always more than willing to help other students.

“We are excited to see how he continues to grow as a person, a student and a musician,” she said.

Young said Ollie is a fun student to be around and is always smiling and working hard.

“Ollie’s a leader in the classroom and in Mrs. (Julie) Voss’ class and is a perfect representative of our BES initiative of working hard and being nice while showing kindness and respect at all times, so we are lucky to have Ollie at BES,” he said.

Humphrey was nominated as the middle school’s Brave of the Month by the sixth grade teachers.

Principal Doug McClure said the teachers wrote that throughout the first month of school, Bradey has come to each class enthusiastic to learn.

“He asks great questions, offers keen insight to the class and is always willing to be an active participant,” they wrote. “Bradey works diligently to complete his schoolwork, which is evident as he has had zero missing assignments this past level.

“His strong sense of character makes him such a positive presence in the classroom as he is willing to assist both his classmates and his teachers,” they wrote. “Bradey has shown that he can represent the three R’s: Respect, responsibility and resourcefulness. The sixth grade teachers are excited to see what he can accomplish this year.”

McClure talked about what happened when he called Bradey to his office to tell him about the award.

“It’s always entertaining to me in a twisted kind of way to call kids that you don’t normally see to your office to see what their reaction is going to be,” McClure said. “This guy right here walked in as cool as he did walking up here. Sat down, engaged me in conservation, did not break eye contact, and for a minute, I thought he was interviewing me and I needed to get up out of my chair and to have him come around and sit down.

“I’m telling you this guy has that it factor,” he said. “I don’t know where he is going to go, Mom and Dad, or what he’s going to do, but he has something special inside of him.”

Brownstown Central High School Principal Joe Sheffer said Snowden was selected as Brave of the Month by the science teachers.

They wrote she is very kind, helpful, selfless, intelligent and dedicated to her work.

“She is always willing to help others with lab and does an excellent job learning science content material,” they wrote. “She also is a great artist who will be sure to tell you ‘Hello’ and ‘Have a great day’ with a smile. We have really enjoyed having Katelynn as a student in our science class over the past four years. Thank you for making our days sunnier, Katelynn.”

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