Kum Join Us homemakers meet at Borchers

By Karen Hendrix

For The Tribune

The Kum Join Us Extension Homemakers Club met Sept. 5 at St. Paul Lutheran Church Borchers with RuthAnn Hendrix hosting and 11 members attending.

Hendrix served a delicious charcuterie from Amazing Graze and three types of honey she shared with us from other beekeepers. Each honey had a different flavor, and all were quite delicious.

Olga Otte opened our meeting with the club creed and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Everyone talked about their favorite fall scents while answering roll call. Pumpkin pie, cinnamon and the fresh scent of rain on newly fallen leaves were at the top of the list.

Ruth Ann also read our devotions on restoration. Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, but Satan introduced them to sin, therefore marring that image and making it imperfect. Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross reconciled us to God, the father. His death makes us holy and blameless. Through our baptism, we are renewed, and our perfect image is restored. Even Satan cannot mar this.

Karen Hendrix read the minutes from our August meeting, while Michelle Wood reported on the current treasury funds. Mandy Otte distributed the club’s new yearbooks and Tell-A-Homemaker for this quarter.

Members chose the month they would like to host for the upcoming year while Olga read excerpts from the Tell-A-Homemaker. Misty Stuckwisch, the new county president, wrote a great article introducing herself to all county members.

RuthAnn discussed the upcoming bake sale on Nov. 4. She encouraged everyone to donate baked items to sell and to volunteer some of their time to help sell the homemade goodies brought in from around our county by all club members. Items not represented last year that were requested by repeat visitors to our booth also were discussed. We want to be sure to have something to satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth.

Olga Otte talked about her trip to the Indiana State Fair. She noticed the amount of items displayed weren’t as plentiful as years past, but it was still a great outing with Carol Mansfield and her husband, Campbell, and Olga’s sister, Alice.

Ruth Ann reminded everyone about John Rust’s organ concert on Oct. 7. This would be a great outing for all members and would still give everyone plenty of time to attend the Oktoberfest parade.

Members also were reminded of the Fall District meeting to be held in Scottsburg on Sept. 27. Anyone wishing to attend should have their money for lunch paid to the county treasurer by Sept. 13.

Members were asked if instead of a Fall Fling this November, they would like to meet somewhere for a meal. Our members thought it was a great idea. Venues were discussed and ideas will be taken back to the Oct. 10 county council meeting.

Anyone wishing to attend a homemakers meeting for an enjoyable night out to share recipes, meet new people or just chat should contact the IEHA office at 812-358-6101 to be put in touch with a club near you. Hope to see you soon.