Crothersville business receives community service award from council


CROTHERSVILLE — The Crothersville Town Council got back to awarding a certificate of appreciation for excellence in community service in September.

During Tuesday night’s meeting at the town hall, the award was presented to Dale Schmelzle and Katie Masters with The Thirsty Sportsman in Crothersville.

The purpose of the award is to recognize a local resident, club, organization or business that is an outstanding citizen and goes above and beyond to give back to the community to help make Crothersville a great place to live.

The bar and restaurant was recognized for taking pride in helping the community by sponsoring the annual Ride for a Cure and a memorial ride and supporting Crothersville Community Schools, the school’s athletic department, Crothersville FFA and the Crothersville Youth League.

“Thank you for your exemplary positivity, dedication and generosity toward our community. For this, we are grateful,” Councilman Jamy Greathouse said while speaking on behalf of the council.

He also complimented the business’ recent renovations before presenting a framed certificate to Schmelzle and Masters.

“Thanks, guys,” Masters said.

“Thank you very much. We appreciate it,” Schmelzle said.

“We appreciate you guys very much. Thank you for all you do,” Councilman Chad Wilson said.

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