Ivy Tech Columbus biology faculty offering nature hike


Ivy Tech Community College Columbus biology faculty members are offering free local nature hikes for anyone interested in learning more about the natural environment around them.

The next hike will begin at 10 a.m. Sept. 9 at Owen’s Bend Park. Ivy Tech Columbus faculty member Tom Sobat will lead the hike, focusing on river life on the Flatrock River.

The hike is open to the public, and all community members are welcome. Hikers will meet at the Owen’s Bend parking lot, 7590-8158 N. County Road 25E, Columbus. Participants are encouraged to dress appropriately, including boots or old shoes and shorts. Those who want to can get into the river water as part of the hike. Nets and collection supplies will be provided.

For information, contact Sobat at [email protected].

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