Season begins for Columbus City Band

The Columbus City Band is beginning its concert season today.

The Bartholomew County-based organization meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays in the band room at Central Middle School, 725 Seventh St., Columbus. The all-volunteer group is under the direction of Paige Chadwick and Karen Stonehill.

The band has been in existence since 1843 and hosts a series of indoor and outdoor concerts throughout the season, which runs through late July.

“There is no official audition to be a part of the band,” Chadwick said. “Just bring your instrument and play or just sit and listen.”

Anyone interested should go to the Chestnut Street entrance of the school and proceed to the second floor. There is no cost to be part of the band, just a love for music and the investment of time.

The band’s first concert will be at 2 p.m. Oct. 29 on the upper stage at The Commons, 300 Washington St., Columbus. Being two days before Halloween, it will be a “spooktacular” event.

Other performances for the band’s formal concert series, which is held at The Commons, will be at 2 p.m. Nov. 26 (Christmas holidays concert), Feb. 11 (the arts concert) and April 14 (spring concert).

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