SFD appoints assistant fire chief

Seymour Fire Department is making history with the appointment of a new assistant fire chief, a position that hasn’t been around in more than 30 years.

On June 2, Eric Roll was appointed to assistant fire chief following an announcement from Fire Chief Brad Lucas on the Seymour Fire Department Facebook page.

Roll will assume his duties as assistant fire chief on July 2. This position comes with the plan for Roll to take over Lucas’ position as fire chief when he retires in a few months.

“It’s going to be big shoes to fill because chief Lucas has done outstanding work for 40-plus years,” Roll said.

He was born and raised in Brownstown and still lives there to this day with his wife, Paula. The couple raised three sons, Keegan, Cheaney and Jaylen.

Roll enjoys spending time outdoors, spending time with his grandson, Colson, who he considers his pride and joy, and traveling to the sandy beaches of Florida with his wife as often as they can.

Roll studied fire science at Indiana Vocational Technical College and joined the Seymour Fire Department on June 11, 1990.

Roll’s older brother, Dave, inspired him to become a firefighter when he joined the Brownstown Fire Department as an officer in 1989.

“From the day I signed up to volunteer, I knew I wanted to make firefighting my career,” he said.

Before being promoted to assistant fire chief, Roll was the battalion chief, where he would oversee one of three shifts. A shift works 24 hours on duty and is off 48 hours.

Roll rose through the ranks from sergeant, lieutenant and captain before being appointed battalion chief.

From July 2 to Lucas’ retirement in a few months, Roll will learn the duties of chief. In January, someone else will be promoted to the assistant chief position, and that person will oversee the training division and inspection program.

“It is hard to understand how chief Lucas has done this many years without an assistant chief,” Roll said.

In all of Roll’s 33 years of service, there is one day he was on duty that he will never forget.

“I was on duty when 9/11 happened,” he said. “The feeling the entire crew had while watching the tragic event unfold will never be forgotten.”

Roll said to be a good firefighter, one must have dedication and integrity, be a team player and be willing to learn something new every shift.

“I want to serve my community by continuing the great strides that chief Lucas has done for the department in his time as chief,” Roll said. “I will to the best of my ability lead and oversee the safety of the department’s firefighters and the citizens of Seymour.”

Finally, Roll wanted to give some advice for those wanting to become firefighters and serve the community.

“Be willing to sacrifice and dedicate time to the job,” he said. “There are many things you will miss out on working a shift like we do, but I can promise the reward from the job is worth the sacrifice.”