Loyal Devoir Society meets for birthday party


The Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church had its birthday party May 23 in the fellowship hall of the Seymour church.

President Paula Stafford welcomed 14 members and one guest. Helen Horton gave devotions ending with prayer, and Judy McDonald read the minutes, which were were approved.

Betty Guinn reported a balance of $1,645.34 in the treasury and read three thank-you notes for donations.

Everyone put a dollar in the birthday box and told something about their birthdays.

Janice Brock said there are 46 city firemen to show our appreciation for their service. She made a motion for each member to bring a dozen cookies to the next meeting June 27. It was seconded and passed.

Discussion followed on whether the society wants to have a rummage or bake sale or both. Brock will check the church calendar to clear a date.

She told members about an event they could do for the football team and coaches. It involves serving a meal in the church from 4:30 to 6 p.m. for 66 boys and six coaches. There will be 10 minutes of devotion, and society members will serve and clean up.

Brock made a motion that if other churches volunteer, then the society will serve one meal before a game. JoEllen Robinson seconded, and the motion passed.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

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