Locals pay tribute to women for Mother’s Day


Mother’s Day is Sunday.

Keeping with tradition, The Tribune asked local residents to share what makes their mother special. This also could include people considered mother figures. Here’s what they shared.

My sister-in-law, Kaydi Wingler, is the best single mother there is. She’s always working her butt off for her and her kiddos. Her dad passed away right before her son was born, and he was her and her siblings’ rock. She always picks herself up, even while still grieving, to provide and be strong for her kids. (Written by Savannah Wingler)

Karen Munson from Margaret R. Brown Elementary School is so kind and caring and compassionate to all of the kids. She is like a mother figure to them all. (Written by Deb Morgan)

Tonya Pacey is a local business owner and philanthropist. She has free programs for women at her shop downtown. She is a wonderful mother. And she is running for city council to further help her community and inspire her daughter and other women to do more for their community. (Written by Seth Pacey)

My sister-in-law, Janice Tatlock, is the mother to so many people in our family. She does without to make sure everybody has what they need before she thinks of herself. I lost my mom two years ago, and this woman has filled that void. I love her with all my heart. She volunteers to take people to food drives, she volunteers at the food pantry at Jamestown Apartments and she just goes above and beyond to help everybody she can. (Written by Tammy Anderson)

Amanda Wilp from Seymour works at Margaret R. Brown Elementary School. She’s such an amazing mother, wife, teacher and altogether a great person. She goes above and beyond for everyone. (Written by Holly Morgan)

My fiancée, Chastity Terry, raised her first son by herself for nine years, and she co-parents with her second son’s father. She quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom to our disabled son in 2020. She took my daughter in as her own without hesitation, being the only mom she has ever known. She is what keeps our house together and my life together. She learned everything from her grandmother, who raised her since she was little, who passed in 2020. (Written by Kyle Brooks)

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