Third grade class repurposes milk cartons for Earth Day

A Seymour-Redding Elementary School class combined an annual planting project with Earth Day and came up with a way to help the environment.

Each year, third grade teacher Abbilynn Ebler has her class plant seeds to go along with their science unit over plants.

“Last year, we used plastic plant pots,” Ebler said. “But I thought this year, it would be a good idea to reuse milk cartons instead of buying planters.”

Milk cartons are biodegradable and flexible, allowing the plant to break out when it is large enough, leaving the remnants behind to become part of the soil, according to

“During lunch, I had all of my students keep their milk cartons and bring them back into the classroom,” Ebler said. “I had the students wash out the milk cartons and then cut off the tops of them.”

All of the students then got to create a design for their milk carton and glue it onto the sides.

“Once they were dry, we went outside and planted seeds inside each one,” she said. “We are going to continue to watch them grow while we learn all about plants in class. Once they are fully sprouted, the students will get to take their plant home.”