Don’t waste the only life you have

To the editor:

I, like many of your readers, was shocked to see a drag queen celebrated on the front page of your newspaper. However, I noticed a few days later, you gave front page coverage to a local church.

I realize that you represent a wide range of readers. Instead of confronting the questionable values your paper sometimes promotes, I would like to share a warning to all your readers.

If we follow the world’s standards and seek to find peace and contentment through pleasing ourselves, we will find that path leads instead to disappointment and emptiness.

The world claims we will find happiness in wealth, fame and pleasure. How did that work out for Bill Cosby, Jeffrey Epstein, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and a host of other famous and rich people who could outspend us in seeking happiness?

The richest man who ever lived, Solomon, found that the pleasures of this world bring fleeting happiness followed by great sorrow. So today, I share with you how to find the peace of mind and internal joy that all of us seek, and the great news is that you get to reap its rewards for an eternity.

Jesus unlocks the door to a peace of mind and joy that is not dependent of the circumstances of our life. When we stop seeking to please ourselves but instead spend our time and efforts serving the God that created us, then we will free ourselves from the addictions and unquenchable thirst for the pleasures of this world.

To any objective observer, our nation is crumbling, and not because God has rejected us but because we have rejected him. It has been said the lusts of this world will take us farther than we want to go, cost us more than we are willing to pay and last longer than we are willing to stay.

There is another way. Read your Bible and serve the one who knows you better and loves you more than anyone on Earth. The alternative is searching for happiness in the things of this world. When you take your last breath, everything the world has to offer will be worthless, but what you did for Jesus will provide blessings that last for eternity. God has said, “If you search for me, you will find me.” God gives you a choice. Don’t waste the only life you have.

Wayne Huddleston, Seymour