Extension Homemakers clubs attend Fall Fling


The Jackson County Indiana Extension Homemakers Association Fall Fling was held Nov. 7 at Brownstown Christian Church and hosted by the Country Friends club.

Peggy Carmichael opened the meeting with members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the IEHA club creed and mission statement.

A wonderful pitch-in dinner was enjoyed by the four clubs present. Those represented were Country Friends, Freetown Friends, Friends and Neighbors and Kum Join Us.

Ruth Ann Hendrix, the county president, spoke about being kind. Everyone should do kind things every day, whether it’s for a friend, a stranger needing assistance or most of all, ourselves. With our busy lives today, we somehow forget to be kind to ourselves. Also, don’t forget to smile at yourself whenever you see your reflection. A smile goes a long way in spreading kindness, even to ourselves.

Molly Marshall reported on IEHA’s Scatter a Little Kindness project. Pocket hearts made by our members are making a difference. Someone received a pocket heart before their surgery and was very appreciative of the kindness and thoughtfulness expressed through such a small gesture.

Anyone receiving one is asked to post on social media #IEHA and their location. Posting on social media is a great way to see how far our kindness is being scattered.

The annual bake sale was held Nov. 5. Ruth Ann Hendrix and Charlotte Lovegrove along with other members volunteered their time to promote our clubs and sell the members’ donated baked goods and sweet treats. Pocket hearts also were given out.

Skye Zakrzewski, the county treasurer, reported that almost $700 was either received through sales or donations during the bake sale. Proceeds from the bake sale are for an annual scholarship. Anyone wanting information or to apply for this scholarship should contact their school counselor or the IEHA website.

Lovegrove spoke on the history of the county extension club. A display of historical items was set up at the Fall Fling with such items as name tags, a scrapbook and a banner.

Extension homemakers began as a branch of Farm Bureau. The men had their meetings, but women were at home doing their duties of running their households and caring for the children.

Some of the wonderful highlights of the homemakers history include Mrs. Charles Bridgewater being the first Jackson County president. The state chorus gave ladies a chance to travel all over the world, first with the Purdue Glee Club and later separately. In 1952, Mamie Eisenhower invited the glee club and chorus to sing for the Republican National Convention. In 1958, the Twin Towns club modeled clothes made from feed sacks for their Achievement Night.

In 1962, Marge Klinck became our first county extension agent with 400 people in attendance. In 1969, Gov. Ed Whitcomb’s mother became a member. In 1984, clubs began entering floats in local parades. In 1992, homemakers were asked to volunteer at the juvenile home. In 1997, members were encouraged to write letters to the mayor in protest of the topless bar in Seymour. IEHA was 85 years old in 1998 and now is an amazing 109 years old.

Lovegrove from the Friends and Neighbors club reported on a tour the club enjoyed of the Jackson County Courthouse with Richard Beckort as their guide. Interesting facts told during the tour were that the marble-looking pillars aren’t actually marble but were painted to look like marble with a feather. There also is a wooden ladder that takes you to the top of the clock tower. The fold-up seats in the courtroom contain a curved wire so men could store their hats while in court.

Club members were asked to bring items for Community Provisions of Jackson County to help those in need. There were 118 items collected. Empty pill bottles are still being gathered.

Anyone interested in becoming a member of IEHA or starting your own club should contact the IEHA website for information.

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