Deadline approaches for Wreaths Across America orders


Orders are being accepted through Tuesday for the Wreaths Across America program in Seymour.

The sponsorship levels are individual, one wreath, $15; family, five wreaths, $75; small business, 10 wreaths, $150; and corporate, 100 wreaths, $1,500.

Orders may be placed online at

At noon Dec. 17 at Riverview Cemetery, 1603 Shields Ave., Fort Vallonia Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution will be helping Riverview Cemetery remember and honor veterans by laying remembrance wreaths on the graves of the country’s fallen heroes.

On the previously mentioned website, people also may sign up to volunteer on Wreaths Day or invite family and friends to attend the ceremony at the cemetery.

Wreaths Across America started in 2008, and Congress unanimously voted to create Wreaths Across America Day. That’s still conducted annually on the second or third Saturday of December.

Wreaths Across America coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies at more than 2,500 locations across the United States, at sea and around the world.

This is the second year for the Fort Vallonia DAR to participate in the program. Last year, it was done at a cemetery in North Vernon.

The wreaths will remain on the graves at Riverview through February.

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