Braves of the Month recognized

BROWNSTOWN — A junior, a sixth-grader and a second-grader have earned the title of Student of the Month.

During Tuesday night’s meeting of the Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of school trustees in the administration office, nomination letters for Rylee May, Keaton Peters and Jaedyn Johnson as Braves of the Month were read by their respective school principals.

Brownstown Central High School Principal Joe Sheffer said May was selected by the Spanish teacher.

“Here’s what they had to say about Rylee,” he said. “Rylee works hard in class and is quick to volunteer. She goes above and beyond what is expected of her in class. Rylee always has a good attitude and is willing to help her classmates whenever they have questions. She participates in Spanish Club and has been elected club president two years in a row. Rylee is a pleasure to have in class. Congratulations, Rylee, on this well-deserved honor.”

Brownstown Central Middle School Principal Doug McClure said Peters was selected by the sixth grade teaching team for the following reasons.

“Beginning your middle school career can often be a challenging task for many students, but Keaton has handled the transition with ease,” the teachers wrote. “He is also a perfect example of someone who exemplifies our school’s three R’s: Respect, responsibility and resourcefulness.

“Keaton is responsible in his classes when it comes to turning in all of his assignments, which has led him to being on level with zero missing assignments for both of our level review periods,” the teachers wrote. “Keaton is respectful of his peers and teachers. He does an amazing job of collaborating with his peers on partner working and providing helpful feedback on assignments. Keaton is resourceful because he might not always know the answer, but he can more than likely figure out how to get the answer.”

The teachers said he also is a thinker, a problem solver and a questioner.

“Keaton is an honest student who is always willing to answer questions, participate in class discussions, ask questions when he is confused or needs something clarified and most importantly, he is excited to learn,” they said.

Brownstown Elementary School Principal Marty Young said Johnson was named Little Brave of the Month for his sense of humor and was nominated by his teacher, Anna Hochstedler.

“When asked to chose one student in my class for a sense of humor award, there is no doubt it had to be Jaedyn,” she wrote. “He is the one that always keeps me on my toes with his silliness and his ability to make you smile. He is the one student who knows when I need a hug to pick me up.

“Not only is Jaedyn funny and silly, he also has one of the biggest hearts I have seen in a child,” she said. “Jaedyn’s presence alone cheers up a room, and his willingness to help others proves he is the perfect student be chosen to represent Brownstown Elementary for the Student of the Month.”