Southern Indiana Flying Eagles conducts fundraiser for Humane Society

The skies over Freeman Field were abuzz Oct. 8 for a fundraising effort benefiting the Humane Society of Jackson County.

The Southern Indiana Flying Eagles Academy of Model Aeronautics Club #2868 hosted a fly-in event from 9 a.m. to dusk for the purpose of raising money and collecting supplies for the shelter.

Club member Bob Bast said there are about 40 members in the club, and this was the first time they have had a fundraiser like this for the shelter.

“For those who showed up to fly their model airplanes, the landing fee was either a monetary gift or they could bring in products for the shelter,” Bast said. “We collected paper towels, bleach and things like that in addition to the money our members contributed.”

The plan was to fill up the back of a pickup truck with supplies in addition to the monetary donations, he said.

On the afternoon of the fly-in event, club Vice President Rick Marksberry and member John Hudak went to the shelter and presented Humane Society employee Kristie Doyle with $600 from the club.

The two men also unloaded and carried into the building cleaning supplies, dog food, blankets and other items the Southern Indiana Flying Eagles had collected.

“We wanted to give back to the community, and the Humane Society seemed like they could really use it,” Marksberry said.

Doyle said the Humane Society is very appreciative of the donation of items and for the funds, which can go toward veterinarian fees and other necessities for the animals there.

Information about the Southern Indiana Flying Eagles remote-control model airplane club can be found on its Facebook page.

To donate to the Humane Society of Jackson County, visit