Immanuel Lutheran Church Ladies Aid 3 meets


Ladies Aid 3 of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour recently met with 17 members and one guest present.

Hostesses for the evening were Linda Kamman and Julie Ballard with refreshments and decor following a patriotic theme.

Vicar Nick Wagenknecht opened the meeting with prayer and answered questions about his experiences at Immanuel and his future plans since he will be returning to the seminary to complete his final year of training for the ministry. He was thanked by the group for his service to the congregation.

Vice President Ann Mahan conducted the meeting, which opened with all singing the hymn “God Bless Our Native Land” and Psalm 93 recited in unison.

Reports of visitations to shut-ins and nursing home residents were given. Booths for the arts and crafts bazaar in November are being reserved with 91 presently taken and at least three new vendors. There is still space for any other interested vendors.

The next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 16.

The meeting was closed with singing of the last verse of the hymn and reciting of the Lord’s Prayer.

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