Tri Kappa charity euchre winners for 2021-22 announced

Gamma Phi chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa, aka Tri Kappa, recently announced the first- and second-place charity euchre winners in the individual groups for the 2021-22 season.

The highest scoring pair of all of the groups and the city-high winners were Les and Betty Tormoehlen. The second highest scoring pair were Patty Elmore and Marcia Snyder.

First-place winners in each group are Carol Bobb and Brenda Oden, Kenny and Vicki McKain, Barry and Jen Downing, Joyce Lucas and Janet Myers, Patty Elmore and Marcia Snyder, Brent and Sandy Kilgas, the Tormoehlens, Melissa Reutter and Kim Darlage and Karen Zike and Terrie Lahrman.

Second-place winners were Marsha Jane Waskom and Karen Zike, Jerry and Karen Zike, Curt and Karen Jarson, Norman and Karen Kerkhof, Rosemary Weir and Janet Myers, Doug and Joan Nichols, Richard Darlage and Richard Rieckers, Deb Quillen and Jane Goecker and Shelly Cooley and Margy Hays.

Charity euchre is a fundraiser for the chapter, which supports local scholarships, Riley Hospital for Children, Riley Cheer Guild, local nursing homes, Hoosier Art Salon, the city’s Adopt-a-Spot program and the state’s Gifted and Talented program. The balance goes to local charity, culture and education programs as voted upon by chapter members.