Rock’n Ready program seeks registrations


Registration is open for Jackson County United Way’s annual Rock’n Ready free school supplies program.

The program provides free basic school supplies for students who will be in kindergarten through 12th grade this fall at a Jackson County school.

“This program is as vital as it hasever been. With the rising cost of living, having the ability to help families save on basic supplies for school is so important,” said Emily Engelking, engagement director for United Way.

Since the departure of program manager Bonita Dobbs early last year, Engelking has been overseeing the program.

Engelking said she’s grateful for the collaboration of the local school corporations for getting the information out early to families. The earlier families register, the easier it is to plan for the program.

“We are always looking for businesses and individuals to provide sponsorships, volunteers to collect supplies or people to purchase supplies directly off our Amazon wish list that can be delivered straight to our office,” Engelking said. “We always appreciate the support we receive from the community and the willingness to get involved to make this program happen year after year.”

Executive Director Maci Baurle said this is United Way’s 13th year implementing the free school supplies program for Jackson County students.

“This program continues to be made possible by a dedicated committee, volunteers and sponsors,” Baurle said. “Thank you to those who continue to support our Rock’n Ready program to make sure students are equipped for their first day of school.”

She said it’s important that parents or guardians register their children for the program by July so they have plenty of supplies the day of each school’s distribution for students.

Currently, more than 230 families have registered for the program since April 1, the initial start date.

Last year, the Rock’n Ready program served more than 1,200 students across the county. Every student receives a backpack along with the supplies.

Supplies given out vary by grade but typically include pencils, notebooks, crayons, colored pencils, dry erase markers and various other items. A full list can be found online at

Without registration, supplies cannot be guaranteed. Registration for Rock’n Ready will close July 1.

To register, parents can visit (English) or (Spanish). To register by phone or to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, call Engelking at 812-522-5450, ext. 4.

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