Brownstown students compete in Cardboard Boat Regatta

Students in the physics and integrated chemistry and physics classes at Brownstown Central High School participated in the third annual Cardboard Boat Regatta on Tuesday at Brownstown Pool.

The purpose of the event? To test their knowledge of buoyancy, which Merriam-Webster defines as the power of rising and floating (as on water or in air).

Placing first with a jungle theme were Colby Hall, Reagan Nuss and Erin Singleton.

Second-place finishers were Cristos McCormick, Ryan Frazzini and Austin Perry.

Third place went to the team of Taylor Loudermilk, Kaitlyn McCormick and Frank Rohr.

Most spectacular sinkings were awarded to two teams: Emily Singleton, Zoe Stuckwisch and Katelin Deaton and Cassius Sumpter, Adam Wayt and Waylon Lutes.