Crothersville seniors walk through elementary ahead of graduation


CROTHERSVILLE — Members of the Crothersville High School Class of 2022 gathered in the hallway near the cafetorium.

Once the clock hit 9 a.m. Friday, they walked outside toward a door into Crothersville Elementary School.

Inside, students and staff from preschool to fifth grade were lined along the hallways cheering, holding signs, clapping and even blowing bubbles to congratulate the 21 seniors — donning red and white caps and gowns — on their accomplishment.

Later that night, they wore their caps and gowns again to go up to a stage inside the gymnasium to receive their high school diploma.

The annual tradition of the senior walk lifted the spirits of the class members.

“It was a good way to start the day,” senior Matt Clouse said. “Those kids could see how far we’ve made it, and then they can set themselves a goal for the future to get to where we are today. I feel like not only does it help us because we were once their age, but they get to look up to people older than them and they can be like, ‘Hey, I want to be like that kid.’”

Classmate Kaylee Caudill said the walk gave her a chance to see some family members.

“It is so neat because I have cousins in the elementary, so seeing me walk through, I don’t know what that meant to them, but it meant you can do it. Even though we’re a small school, everybody can do it,” she said.

She also saw some former teachers.

“The one thing I liked to do in the past or now is to just see the elementary teachers that we had,” she said. “It’s just neat to see the community and the elementary come together and support the Class of 2022.”

The senior walk also gave the class an opportunity to reflect on their school years.

“I’m finally done with high school, so it’s shocking to me because I’ve made it this far,” Clouse said, smiling. “It was a real honor to get this far. I’ve had everybody help me — friends, family — and I hope I can inspire (the elementary students) to be where I’m at today and maybe even better.”

Caudill said it was great to make another memory with her classmates.

“It was very fun with my class,” she said. “My class is so close. These last few things we have together, these last few seconds we have together, we’re going to make it fun.”

The senior walk also was fun for the elementary students.

Fourth-graders Shadow Erwin and Ashtyn Allman were happy to see some familiar faces.

“I was looking forward to seeing some of the people I might have known in it,” Allman said before naming a few of them. “I felt good for them. I was happy for them.”

Erwin said it gave the elementary students something to look forward to when they move on through school and reach graduation.

“We get to see what we will be doing in a few years,” he said. “I would just be really excited if some teachers are still here. I’ll be able to see my old teachers.”

Erwin said he wants to become a software engineer, and Allman wants to go to medical school. Those are big plans, and seeing the Class of 2022 serves as an inspiration for them to study and work hard so they can graduate and pursue their dreams.

Allman offered some advice to the graduating seniors.

“I would say to try your best if they are going to college and to give their all and hopefully make it in,” she said.

In turn, the seniors shared some wisdom with the elementary students.

Clouse encouraged them to stay in school.

“Nobody likes doing schoolwork and homework, but in the end, you graduate,” he said. “Just learn as much as you can to get ready for the real world.”

Caudill said to make the most of the time together.

“It goes by real fast,” she said. “Just enjoy every second of it you have.”

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