Brownstown Students of the Month recognized

BROWNSTOWN — For the first time in two years, Brownstown Central Community School Corp. Students of the Month were recognized in person.

During Tuesday night’s board of school trustees meeting at the administration office, fifth-grader Jhett Jackson, eighth-grader Taylor Smith and senior Taylor Loudermilk were presented a certificate by their respective principal. Family members attended, too.

Previously, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the principals attended the meeting to read comments about the students and a picture of them was shown on a screen. Now that the pandemic restrictions have been eased because of a lower positivity rate in Jackson County, the board agreed to allow students and their families to attend.

Jackson was selected Little Brave of the Month for music by music teacher Lori Tabor.

“Mrs. Tabor says that he loves to sing, and his enthusiasm for singing is contagious,” Brownstown Elementary School Principal Chrystal Street said while reading the nomination letter. “He encourages everyone around him to sing, as well. He is very inclusive and always quick to rally students together with his natural leadership qualities.”

Smith was chosen for promoting Brownstown Central Middle School’s three R’s: Respect, responsibility and resourcefulness.

“Taylor is one of the most respectful students we have ever had at BCMS,” Principal Doug McClure said in reading the eighth grade teachers’ letter. “She is always courteous, greets you with a smile and says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when asking a question or getting some help. She is an exceptional, responsible student who always puts forth her best effort and never misses an assignment.”

When absent, Smith communicates with teachers ahead of time or via email to remain caught up on her schoolwork.

“Taylor is a pleasure to have in class because she is driven to be successful, participates in class discussion and interacts at a level of maturity beyond her age,” the teachers wrote. “She is always willing to help her peers in any way and is very dependable to run errands for teachers.”

Outside of school, Smith is very active in 4-H and is a Junior Leader and recently had an opportunity to visit the Statehouse in Indianapolis through her involvement with the organization.

“We are very proud to have Taylor Smith representing the eighth grade class, as she is well deserving of this recognition, and we hope that her work ethic and personality will set an example for the other students at the middle school,” the teachers wrote. “She has big dreams for her future, and we believe she will achieve what she puts her mind to accomplish.”

McClure said as a sixth-grader, Smith received the Courtesy Award, and this school year, she spearheaded an effort to make personalized Christmas cards for the corporation’s special education students.

“Taylor leading with her group of friends made Christmas cards. That’s just the kind of young lady she is, so it’s really, really great to recognize her this evening,” he said.

Loudermilk was chosen Brownstown Central High School’s Student of the Month for business by business teacher Robin Perry.

“Taylor is always positive and responsible as any adult counterpart I’ve ever worked with,” Principal Joe Sheffer said in sharing Perry’s comments. “She is instrumental in managing our student business enterprise, Brewed Awakening, and is president of our DECA chapter. Her skills will take her to the top of whatever she chooses, and we will miss her very much when she graduates in May.”