Jackson Lodge 146’s Sweetheart Banquet held in Seymour

Jackson Lodge 146 Free and Accepted Masons’ annual Sweetheart Banquet was Saturday at The Pines Evergreen Room south of Seymour.

Worshipful Master Herbert “Pete” Walker welcomed the 153 members and guests, and Chaplain Thomas Johnson offered the prayer for the meal.

Walker then recognized six local charities with $15,000 in total donations from the Seymour lodge to support their work.

The organizations, those accepting the funds for each organization and the amount donated were:

Anchor House Family Assistance Center and Pantry, Andrew Barker, $3,000

Community Diner, President Margaret Gladney, $3,000

The Masonic Heritage Foundation, Director Cliff Carnes, $1,500

Community Provisions of Jackson County, Director Chuck Seybold, $3,000

Shriners Hospital for Children, Lexington, Kentucky, representative Bucky Everhart, $3,000

Dunn Temple Association, Master Nick Crulo, $1,500