Workshops to help stressed farmers and farm families


A workshop designed to help agricultural professionals and others communicate with farmers and farm families under stress is set for 1 to 4 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Jackson County Learning Center, 323 Dupont Drive, Seymour.

Many farmers face financial problems, price and marketing uncertainties, farm transfer issues, production challenges and more, according to a news release from Purdue Extension Jackson County.

The primary audience for this workshop includes professionals who work with or support farmers and farm families such as inspectors, financial advisers, those associated with state Farm Bureaus, medical providers and those in seed, fertilizer and chemical sales. Everyone is welcome.

Purdue Extension educators will lead the workshop to help people recognize and respond when they suspect a farmer or farm family member might need help.

Participants will build awareness around potentially stressful conditions affecting some farmers; learn stress triggers, identify signs of stress and review helpful techniques for responding; learn techniques for identifying, approaching and working with farmers who may not cope with stress effectively; and learn where to go for additional help.

A second workshop for farmers, farm families or anyone involved in farming is planned for 6 p.m. Aug. 21 at the learning center. A light meal will be served.

To register for either seminar, call 812-358-6101 or email extension educator Richard Beckort at email [email protected].

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