Seymour man faces rape charge


A Jackson County man accused of raping and holding a woman against her will was arrested after an officer pulled the woman out of the home through a window, police report.

Alan Conrad Karenke, 46, of Seymour, faces felony charges of rape, robbery and criminal confinement and misdemeanor charges of resisting law enforcement and interfering with reporting a crime in connection with the incident reported at 1:20 a.m. Monday.

Officer Jesse Hutchinson with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department investigated the incident that began when police received a report of a rape at a home in the 3700 block of West County Road 1125N, according to a probable cause affidavit.

Hutchinson said in the probable cause affidavit that he knocked on the door of the home, and Karenke answered but would not allow officers to enter.

Karenke was “very argumentative and belligerent” and told Hutchinson he needed a warrant, Hutchinson said.

Karenke also demanded to speak to his attorney before he went back inside the home, Hutchinson said.

“Due to the circumstances of a possible rape that had occurred, I went to the front in an attempt to try and gain entry,” Hutchinson wrote in his report.

He said as he came around the house, he saw on the far northwest side of the house a woman who had her head out of the window.

“I asked her if she was OK, and I observed her look back at the door in the room,” Hutchinson said.

That’s when Hutchinson said he pulled the woman out of the window and brought her back to his patrol car in the driveway.

The woman told police she had been asleep and woke to find Karenke performing sex on her. She said she tried to leave, but Karenke prevented her from doing so. She also told investigators Karenke took her cellphone and refused to return it.

She also told police there were three children in the home, Hutchinson said.

He said Karenke still would not allow him inside and would not come out, but he eventually agreed to talk to Hutchinson on the phone and asked to speak to his attorney.

“I told him that his attorney would not be coming out here right now,” Hutchinson said in his report. “At this time, he started to call me a liar and (said) that I was going to arrest him.”

According to court records, more officers arrived, but Karenke continued to refuse to let the children out of the home.

“Due to him not letting the children out of the house, his abusive and belligerent behavior and the allegations that were said against him, it was determined that we needed to get him out of the house for the safety of the children,” Hutchinson said.

To remove Karenke from the home, officers went in through a window and tased him, according to court documents.

Karenke initially resisted arrest but eventually was taken into custody, Hutchinson said.

He was booked into the Jackson County Jail in Brownstown at 3:12 a.m. Monday, and his initial hearing was Wednesday afternoon in Jackson Circuit Court.

During that hearing, Jackson Circuit Judge Richard W. Poynter set Karenke’s trial for 8:30 a.m. Aug. 29. Poynter also ordered Karenke to be held without bond.

Rape is a Level 3 felony, punishable by three to 16 years in prison upon conviction. The robbery charge is a Level 5 felony, and criminal confinement is a Level 6 felony.

County officers Mark Holt and Clint Burcham and Detective Sgt. John Long with the Brownstown Police Department assisted at the scene.

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